Monday, November 5, 2012

30/32 Weeks

I can't even put into words how insanely CRAZY the last 2.5 weeks have been. I'm surprised I even had time to take showers. AND of course, I woke up this morning realize I never did a 29 or 30 week post. Sorry!! On top of all that, I remembered I don't have a free weekend until DECEMBER!!! *commence freak out* Where is all this time going??!! On another note, we got through frankenstorm sandy okay. We lost power for a few days and stayed with some friends and my parents for a few nights. Otherwise, last 2 weeks have been spent at way to many doctors offices..

So now for the not to great parts.. apparently I don't do being pregnant very well. At my 28 week apt they did some blood work that came back showing I have low platelets. Yuck. Off to the hematologist I went where they did more blood work. 10 freakin viles. I didn't even know I could give that much blood. Unfortunately, my low platelets were not a fluke by the lab. ugh. So what does this all mean? I'm not sure yet. Basically, it happens in about 5% of pregnancies (seems like a really low number to me but whatev) and doctors have no idea why. Their best guess is that since your body is doubling to even tripling your blood supply to care for the little babe your platelets just can't keep up. However, there could be some other reason so they tested me for everything under the sun (why they took so much blood). They want me to see the hematologist every week from now until I deliver. That's a lot!!! I see him again on Thurs. to find out all the results. Yippee.

I saw the OB this week too (since we go every 2 weeks now) and he told me great news.. I DON'T HAVE GD! Woohoo! Not that anyone thought I did, but still great to hear. Also, little one is freaking huge. We're measuring 2 weeks earlier then projected. Meaning I am measuring at 32 weeks instead of 30 weeks. Woot woot!! 

How far along?  I'm gonna do both my new date and old date so; 32w4d (30w4d)
Total weight gain: 128-->154
Maternity clothes? I went shopping with my momma this weekend for a dress for my baby shower in 2 weeks. A) so freakin excited for my shower B) I got 2 and now have to decide between them.
Stretch marks?  Negative
Sleep: More just turning over and bathroom breaks. Otherwise, sleep has been pretty awesome in the last few weeks.
Miss Anything?  Being able to breath.
Best Moment this week: Going to our birthing class. We both actually learned a lot.
Movement: All over the place.
Food cravings: Milk. Of course when we don't have any.
Aversions: Pretty much the same stuff through the whole pregnancy..
Labor signs: Not yet. Other then my random contractions that aren't BH's. However, I have a whole list of things to look for!
Symptoms: Still some awful hip pain. And now chest pain at night. Not a fan.
Belly Button in or out? Odd.
Wedding rings on or off? ON!!  
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! And starting to freak out a little..
Looking forward to: Finding out my blood results, hopefully nothing too scary!!
Not looking forward to: All the damn work I have to catch up on since we lost power last week. Ugh.

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