Tuesday, September 25, 2012

24 weeks

We took a spur of the moment long weekend trip to the beach this past weekend. We went to the OB for our 24 week apt on Thursday then jumped in the car and off we went! It was wonderful. So amazing to get away for a few days (and the last time before our bundle arrives!). We went with one of our very very good friends Shawn (drinking buddy for Doug!) and it was so awesome. Couldn't have asked for a better weekend. There is just nothing like waking up with a cup of coffee and going for a walk on the beach. My paradise. But since we didn't bring our board with us, we had to settle for the sand..

*It says Week 24: Still Rocking my Bikini!*

How far along?  24w5d
Total weight gain: up to 143. Yes, that means I gained 9 pounds this month. WOAH MOMMA!
Maternity clothes? Going shopping today for pants.. damn..
Stretch marks?  Still going strong with no stretch marks!!
Sleep: I really don't like sleeping in any other bed then mine. The beach was great.. the bed sucked!!
Miss Anything?  Being able to drink. and Sushi. 
Best Moment this week: Having our 24 week apt. I LOVE my OB. He's awesome.
Movement: Little girl does not like it when mommy is still.. and she lets me know it too..
Food cravings: strawberry and apple cinnamon ANYTHING. I might have gone through an entire jar of strawberry preserve in 3 days..
Aversions: Red meat is nasty. *gag* 
Labor signs: Nothing other then BH contractions. My OB gave me a packet of labor signs at the 24 week apt. OH NO. I will freak out when this answer is yes. AHHHH.
Symptoms: This week was pretty good. Other then back pain and those wonderful round ligament pains.
Belly Button in or out? So weird looking.. 
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Pretty damn happy!!
Looking forward to: Getting the nursery furniture this week. Bring on the nesting!!!
Not looking forward to: All the homework I have to catch up on from going to the beach and not doing a damn thing!!
I will say I wasn't such a fan of walking down the beach and all the eyes on my belly. But yes, I totally rocked my bikini. I was not about to go out and buy a maternity swim suit when we were only going for 4 nights/3 days. I kinda forgot that my blood amount has DOUBLED since getting pregnant and I totally fried my face and belly so we only spent 1 day on the beach. Whoops.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

23 Weeks

How far along?  23w2d
Total weight gain: I have no idea. We'll find out Thursday! But Doug can still carry me up the steps...
Maternity clothes?  LOVE MY WVU MATERNITY TANK!!!!
Stretch marks?  Nopers
Sleep: meh. Sleeps been okay. SUPER SUPER weird dreams this week..
Miss Anything?  same. damn. thing.
Best Moment this week: Doug felt her first big big kicks this week.  We have a daddy's girl on our hands.. 
Movement: She's so active. Expect when I want her to move, then she is as still as could be. Annoying.
Food cravings: Lemonade how I love thee
Aversions: Red meat is still on the no no list. 
Gender: Girl
Symptoms: Backaches are getting really getting bad.
Belly Button in or out? Flat as a pancake
Wedding rings on or off? On mostly!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! Except for my emotional break downs in the shower. Random.
Looking forward to: WVU vs. JMU GAME TODAY!!! I'M SO FREAKIN EXCITED!!!!!
Not looking forward to: So much homework to do. And a test to take this week. Blah.

Friday, September 7, 2012

21 & 22 Weeks

I know I know I didn't post last week so I did both 21 & 22 weeks in one post..

*I OBVIOUSLY let Doug do the board this week.. HTTR!!!!*

How far along?  22w1d!! Where is this time going?!
Total weight gain: I say still around 134.
Maternity clothes?  Same things. Can't wait to go shopping for sweaters!
Stretch marks?  Not yet..
Sleep: Sleep has not been so great this week. Little peanut thinks its fun to take kick boxing lessons at 3am and wake me up..
Miss Anything?  With fall around the corner and all the fun holiday drinks.. my same answer is alcohol.
Best Moment this week: Getting to spend some time with Doug. We really haven't seen each other much the last few weeks. 
Movement: Little babe has started getting the hick-ups. So weird feeling!!
Food cravings: Actually sent Doug to the store this week for a random pudding craving. He thought I was kidding.. I don't kid when I am craving something.
Aversions: Will I ever eat a steak again??
Gender: Girl
Symptoms: Backaches. Ouch.
Belly Button in or out? Hanging on for all it's worth as an inny
Wedding rings on or off? On during the day, off at night
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!!
Looking forward to: Having weekends off!!
Not looking forward to: Homework. Ugh.

How far along?  21w
Total weight gain: 134
Maternity clothes?  Maternity yoga pants are absolutely amazing.
Stretch marks?  THANK YOU BELLY BUTTER my answer is still NO!
Sleep: Love sleeping.. and staying in bed till 12.
Miss Anything?  being able to eat a hamburger and not want to toss my cookies. oh and wine.
Best Moment this week: Knowing I have a full weekend ahead with my hubs.
Movement: Shes so active. I'm scared she'll be like this when she gets here!
Food cravings: Still anything sweet..
Aversions: So much ketchup around this week.. was terrible.
Gender: Girl!!!
Symptoms: Nothing really new.. 
Belly Button in or out? In? Maybe?
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Spending time with friends I don't get to see
Not looking forward to: starting school again.