Sunday, October 21, 2012

28 Weeks- 3rd Trimester!!!

We have hit the 3rd and final trimester!! Holy crap. I feel like I am growing by the day and our little girl just does not have that much room anymore to move around! Poor thing.
*Wet hair don't care! At least I showered today...*

How far along?  28w3d --> 3rd trimester!! Woohooo!!
Total weight gain: up 4 more pounds! (Thankfully only 4 pounds!!) 128-->147
Maternity clothes? A few new sweaters. Spent last weekend going through all my old winter stuff to see what I still fit into.. not so much.
Stretch marks?  Cocoa butter I love you. No stretch marks (yet). However, I have started getting a dark line down my belly.. its very faint though.
Sleep: UGH! I want to be able to sleep through the night again! I know that probably wont happen. Ever again. Baby girl has decided that 1 AM is a great time to have a dance party. Momma doesn't agree.
Miss Anything?  Sleep. Alcohol. Being comfortable. Alcohol. Sushi. Alcohol.
Best Moment this week: Gold cup!! So much fun.
Movement: I would absolutely LOVE for her to get her perfect baby feet and toes OUT FROM UNDER MY RIBS. She just loves to get them all up there and kick my lungs. She's going to break my rib before this is all over. I'm sure of it.
Food cravings: Nothing really new. Still sweet stuff. Apple cider is delicious and a new staple in my fridge :-)
Aversions: Salty things!! Tried Doug's Salted Carmel Mocha coffee this morning. I gagged. YUCK!!
Labor signs: Have a random contraction every now and then. Apparently this is normal. I almost crapped my pants. Stay in there for a few more weeks baby!
Symptoms: Holy hip pain. My back hasn't been feeling so great either. I now waddle. (and look like a penguin)
Belly Button in or out? It's just weird.
Wedding rings on or off? ON!! And strangely feeling looser then normal.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!! and emotional. We're back to crying all the time. Thank you hormones. You suck.
Looking forward to: Having a quiet week at home. 
Not looking forward to: Sleepless nights. And the mounds of homework I have to do.

Friday, October 12, 2012

27 Weeks

Okay, I lied. I'm sorry.

Not only did I lie about the picture, I completely forgot to do a 26 week post too. Whoops. (and thank you friends and family for pointing that out to me.) However, in my defense, we were in Pittsburgh last weekend visiting Doug's family (I normally update the blog on Saturday's) and on Sunday when we got home we were busy with football & baseball games as well as putting the nursery together! (see post below for more on that!) So, what has the last 2 weeks held for me you ask? Nothing. Been a completely boring momma over here. I spend my days on the couch watching movies and studying for school. SO exciting. Not. However, next week is so filled with doctors appointments I don't know how I'm going to keep up!

How far along?  27w2d
Total weight gain: God I hope it's still 15 pounds. I find out next Thursday!
Maternity clothes? Still the same stuff. Pulled out my bigger/longer sweaters from last season and they all still fit. Woohoo!
Stretch marks?  Nope. *Cocoa butter I owe it all to you!*
Sleep: Sleep has been *shoulder shrug* lately. I feel like I wake up all the time. Seriously. I think I only sleep for an hour at a time before having to turn over. That and I can not seem to sleep past 6:30 am anymore. Not happy about that fact. At all.
Miss Anything?  Being able to get off the couch without having to do some crazy maneuver I came up with or Doug pushing me up. And there is just something about having a nice glass of red wine on a cold fall night with the candles burning and snugglin with my hubs on the couch that I can't seem to fix.
Best Moment this week: Baby furniture coming in and putting it all together.
Movement: I love trying to figure out whats her bum and her head. And I swear I can feel her little fingers and toes moving around in there too. Creepy.
Food cravings: Sweets. Really anything sweet. I try to fix it by eating fruit but that doesn't always work. Thank heavens for the opened bag of chocolate chips..
Aversions: Meat. Period. Had chicken the other night. Gross. 
Labor signs: Nope
Symptoms: Hip pain. My god it's bad. I've tried every stretch and movement I can think of. Left side is much worse then my right though. So painful.
Belly Button in or out? I don't even think it's classifiable right now..
Wedding rings on or off? On! Though they were off for a few days this week..
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!! and tired..
Looking forward to: GOLD CUP RACES NEXT WEEKEND!!! Can't. Freaking. Wait. AND dinner date with teeteebee. Havn't seen that girl in FOREVER.
Not looking forward to: 28w apt on Thursday. While I love my doctor and can't wait to hear out little girls heartbeat... this apt is going to SUCK. Glucose test, rogam shot, blood work, and talking about our birth plan (give me the meds ASAP!). I told Doug he better take me out to dinner after all that crap!

And the theme is...


Holy crap batman. This just got real. After months (okay only one) we have furniture in the nursery! Yikes! My wonderful mother and step-dad went and bought the crib and dresser from Babies'R'Us. It took about 2 weeks for it to come in but we LOVE IT!! The dresser came put together so Doug and I spent last Sunday afternoon putting the crib together. Never thought putting a crib together would be so much fun!

I can't believe in a few short months there will be a BABY in that crib! I still screech every time I go upstairs and look to the left and see this! However, I love love love how it looks. This little beauty will also convert into the toddler bed AND a full bed set when our little babe gets older. All for not having to go furniture shopping again.
In the right corner (of the picture) is where the rocking chair/glider will go and on the other side we will have the diaper pale thingy. I can't wait to fill all these drawers with adorable little outfits!! Hello nesting, it's nice to meet you!

Well boys and girls, the theme of the baby room is WINNIE THE POOH!!! I absolutely adore this quote by Christopher Robin!! Doug bought this decal (thank you!) to go above the crib and then my darling sister is drawing 4 pictures that we will frame to go above the dresser. We're not going crazy. More accents then anything. Obviously, anyone who knows me or my family would know that the nursery was bound to be something Disney. Can't freakin wait to have it all done. I might spend more time in this room then the baby!!

Monday, October 1, 2012

25 Weeks

Hello, October!!!

I remember back in August I was sitting on the couch with Doug one Sunday and saying that I wanted to just go to sleep and wake up and it be October. Well, HELLO!! September went by SO fast. I didn't think it would go that fast AT ALL. But, here we are. I knew once we reached Oct. that the time would just start flying by. We have SO much going on in the upcoming weeks and before we know it our little girl will be here! Yikes!! However, October means Fall which is by far my favorite time of the year. Pumpkin spice lattes, sweater weather, cuddling under blankets, and those delicious fall smells. Not to mention the trees changing, all the fun festive activities that we take part in (that I will no doubt have to find yummy non-alcoholic drinks to bring!) AND holiday season!!! Ah, so excited!!

*Picture to come soon!! Promise!*

How far along?  25w4d
Total weight gain: 15 lbs (128->143)
Maternity clothes? Finally went and got some maternity pants. 2 pairs of jeans and a pair of work pants. SO COMFORTABLE!! Yes, I am rockin those fully belly bands too!
Stretch marks?  No sir!!!
Sleep: Been off and on this week. It's getting really difficult to roll over at night so it takes me a few minutes.
Miss Anything?  Fitting into my regular jeans. And alcohol.
Best Moment this week: My mom and step-dad got to feel my little girl kick for the first time. Only other people that have felt her kick (other then Doug of course). It was the first time Tom (my step-dad) had ever felt a baby kick in utero. So adorable. AND we ordered the nursery furniture. YAY!!
Movement: SO active. I really really hope this isn't a preview of what is to come.
Food cravings: strawberry preserve, apple cinnamon ANYTHING, lemonade, and pudding
Aversions: I keep trying to get over this red meat thing.. it doesn't work. The smell of ketchup still has me immediately running to the nearest bathroom too. 
Labor signs: Nada (thank heavens!). Still have those braxton hicks every day though.
Symptoms: HOLY HEARTBURN BATMAN. Zantac you are my savior and best friend right now. No kidding I have a bottle with me at all times..
Belly Button in or out? Halfie? I have one part that sticks out and another that's still kinda in. SO FLIPPIN WEIRD
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Emotional. I've cried every day this week for no freakin reason and I have no idea why. Thank you hormones, you're awesome.
Looking forward to: Having a quiet week at home where I can knock a bunch of stuff off my to-do list. My week will consist of laundry, cleaning, and homework. Yippee.
Not looking forward to: It might all be on my to-do list but I'm not a fan of laundry, cleaning, or homework. hahaha